Day 8: Tell someone you love them. Try to make this a person that you rarely tell, you are too afraid to tell or you have forgot to tell.

I was bragging about being transparent, open and honest a week ago but this one random act that has me wanting to keep it very personal.  I can tell you this it was hard to do this one today.  I knew it would be and I put it off and put it off.  Not that I don’t tell people I love them on a regular basis, sometimes it is just harder to do it with some people.  Well it has been done and it feels good, very liberating.

I do have an additional story that has nothing to do with saying I love you today but does have something to do with saying I love you.  My brother said it to my mom and I a few days ago on his birthday.  He never shares his feelings, let alone says that he loves anyones except for his dogs.  This was a big day for him and probably one of the reasons I put it on the random acts list.

One other note; I want to thank the people who reached out to me today on my blog and said that they loved me, I wasn’t expecting that but it has made me one happy girl.  Thank you also for the support to my 25 days posts, I sometimes wonder if I might be annoying some people with this but your words keep me moving forward.  I won’t give up but sometimes I wonder.


Day 7: Donate 1, 2 or 10 sets of gloves/mittens & hats to a mitten drive! They are all over town this time of the year. Contact United Way.

Day 6: Take time to serve someone else! Food, drinks any primary needs really.

Day 5: Call someone you have been meaning to call even if has been 20 years. Forget your fears they are waiting to hear from you!

Coming at you soon

Day 4: Focus on one conversation 110%.

Focus on one conversation 110%. I am going to do this with all my conversations today because this is my weakness.

Finally, catching up.

I really enjoyed doing this one because it is such a challenge for me.  I generally listen but I always have something else going on.  I am always multi tasking.  I was at a craft show and had plenty of opportunities to practice.

My dear friend Carla called me.  She is the most giving, unconditional person I know.  She called just to have someone listen to her 110%.  That made my day!  I hope I listened well enough to her story, she has been such a good friend to me over the past years.

I do have a favorite thing I heard from all of my listening.  I met an 85 year old woman named Midge.  Her picture is next to the word Grandmother in the dictionary.  So sweet!  For some reason I brought up the word men.  She picked up very quick and said that she is looking for one!  In fact, she worked 10 hours that day, drove an hour and a half and still had the energy to go to a dance to meet a man.  I am trying to think of the perfect person for her, if you know of anyone let me know!

Day 3 Act: Find at least 5 things to give to someone in need.

Find at least 5 things to give to someone in need.   1 item should be hard for u to live without.   Have your children select something too.

I am so sorry it has taken me so long to update.  I am so excited by this adventure and project but unfortunatelythis Christmas Elf has been very busy.

What a great Act to complete.  Not only am I able to give to someone in need but I can clean out my house and force myself to give away things that I have a hard time to part with.  We all really have so many things that we really do not even need.  As the years go by I become more and more selective of what I buy not only for myself but for other people.  I believe that this has become so especially important to me because I really believe that it is people and relationships that we should place our emphasis on not things.  If we did I am sure we would have far less mental health problems in this world, which would in turn employee many more people.  That is just a beginning of my thougths.  I have several blogs to catch up on so I must stop there.

Here is a list of what I donated to charity that I have:

2 sticker books for a Christmas gift to girls in need

2 blankets that I do not use

1 mixer donated to Goodwill

Work in progress.  I am giving up my blackberry.  I love it!  Since I cannot justify giving this to someone in need since they have to carry about a 40.00 a month internet service I have decided to sell it so I can donate the money to someone in need.  I have not been able to do this yet but will keep you posted.  Thank you Jill and Tom for the great idea about selling my blackberry.

Day 2 Kind Act: Do something nice for someone you live with

Do something nice for someone u live with – if u normally don’t take out the trash take out the trash, If u normally don’t do the dishes do the dishes.

I did my today, yesterday.  My mom made the suggestion of doing something nice for a person you live with.  I think she was after something here, she lives next door ;-).  Seriously, she is loving playing along with this.

Yesterday I brought dinner to my brother and took out the trash.  We had two weeks worth of trash and he always does it.  I think he was delighted, I know for a fact he liked dinner – it brought a huge smile to his face.

My brother does so much for me.  I own a duplex and my mother and brother rent from me.  My brother has landscaped my entire back yard and part of the front yard.  He is out of room, I am thinking the rest of the front yard is on his plate.  He is meticulous and has very good and expensive taste.  My garden is of the highest quality – and I barely lifted a finger.  The garden also attracts many birds, squirels and butterflies.  I just finished my home office and my office window overlooks the garden!  I am so lucky.  I am enjoying seeing the wildlife really pop out right now as all the trees have lost their leaves.  The cardinals and bluebirds this time of the year are so beautiful.  I have so much gratitude for my brother!

I hope others have contributed to this simple act today.  I have talked about it with others and shared it on facebook.  I would love to hear someone else’s story of completing this act.  Pleast post!

I have 5 people (including myself) working on cookies.  Hoping for more soon!

I have 3 people (including myself) donating to Giant Eagle Gift Certificate for  a mother of four who has just lost child support.

I have scheduled to entertain the elderly and visit with them at a nursing home.

Just waiting to get the soup kitchen all squared away and the rest should all fall into place.

I have also gained momentum in my mood.  It is so good to have a focus other than myself and my needs.

Sleep tight!

Day 1: Send a Christmas Card to Recovering American Soldier

Today I sent a Christmas card to a Recovering American Soldier c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center 6900 Georgia Avenue NW; Washington, D.C. 20307.

I was very excited when I woke up today to start my random act right away.  I picked up 5 Christmas Cards that I had from last year and addressed them to the above address.  I wrote out a nice note to the soldier.  I passed on the other 4 cards to other people.  My mom is very charming.  She wrote a lengthy note about praying for the soldier for the year, but she said in the note that she would be praying for her hero.  I passed along a card to my dear friend Cheryl.  I also met two strangers and asked them to send one of the cards.  Aaron is a high school student that is in a wheel chair, he was happy to play along for protecting the country.  Sue and Jim are taking there card to their church and having the Sunday School Children sign the card.

Last but not least I want to thank Fred Groves for providing me with the idea.  Not only did he provide me with the idea he also posted it to his facebook page!

At least 7 people sending out a Random Act into the world in one day.   Add another one for my cousin April Wallace!

Tomorrow I will make it my mission to do something nice for the family members I live with.  Try to do the same in your life.  If you normally do not take out the trash, take out the trash.  If you normally do not do the dishes, do the dishes.

25 Days of Random Acts of Kindness

This is the start of my 25 Days of Random Acts of Kindness.

I am excited about using the internet and social networking sites to extend my reach beyond what I would be able to do myself.  It was hard for me to make this decision because I wanted to make sure that it was not in any way shape or form to make me look like a swell person.  After I decided that maybe there was a bit of ego involved (I am a Leo so I get a get out of jail free pass this one time) it will do far greater good than providing a great image of myself.  A


Perhaps if I tell you the selfish reason I am doing this you will change any negative thought that you have in your mind from reading the above.  I have been in a rut (or moderately depressed) for 3 weeks.  For those that know me well I am an upbeat, energetic and an optomistic person.  I am also very open, honest and transparent.  Therefore I have no problems telling the world that I am feeling bad about a few life situations right now. f I am not looking for a pity party or anything like that.  I know this is temporary and with time it will pass.

I know that I have a choice in this matter.  And although I cannot snap my fingers and make it all better, I can start to take steps to climb up.  I am taking what I am experiencing and helping others that are in far greater need than I am at this time.

My idea was born 2 days ago when I went to see the movie Julie and Julia with my BFF Barb.  For those of you who have seen it this post will probably make sense to you.  I was completely inspired by Julie’s passion for cooking and her sharing it with the world through her blog.  She was in a rut and she managed to turn it around by finding a way to do what she loves.  Over the past 3 weeks I have been thinking about what I love and that is serving others.  I am also a great organizer.  Add the thoughts of the movie Julie and Julie behind it and born was the idea of 25 Days of Random Acts of Kindness.

25 ACTS will be taking place during the Christmas season, however it is not meant to be denominiational.  Many of these ACTS can be done at any time by anybody.  I will be participating every day in a new activity that I post on Twitter and Facebook.  I am hoping that by sharing what I am doing new ideas will be born and others will participate either one day or all 25 days.  I will use Word Press to document my stories and pictures.  My intention is to recieve stories from others participating and printing them in a book and passing the book along to churches, youth groups and on and on!

Tune in tomorrow for the ACT for Day 1: Send Christmas card to Recovering American Soldier c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center 6900 Georgia Avenue NW; Washington, D.C. 20307

Hello world!

Today is a new day!  I will begin my life as a professional blogger, again!  I have blogged in the past on the platform of self development and self discovery.  Now that I have discovered who I am, mostly, I am ready to tell the world how I am going to climb.

Recently laid off from my job as an interior designer I am ready to really use this time of unemployment to work towards self-employment.   I am excited and very optimistic about the journey.  I hope that I will inspire others along the way to not only find themselves but to find the silver lining in unemployment.

I can best describe myself as a creative person that inspires – the reason for the birth of name Leilani Inspires!

The following is a list of things I can do to help you!

Interior Design –  LEED AP,  Healthcare and Facilities Specialist – but translates easily into many areas

LEED AP tutor

Graphic Design, with a speciality in document and marketing layouts

Floor Sales

Home Staging

Interior Design Librarian

Speaker – Entertaining, Humorous, Inspirational, Motivational

Speech Writer

Speech Coach

Excellent organizer and efficiency manager

Idea Generator

Jewelry maker (know anyone having a wedding?)

Very interested and successful with Marketing and Advertising

Blog writer and Blog maintainer